All of the below resources can be found at: just scroll down a little bit and see all of the resources listed.
E-Cigarettes and Vape Pens
"Smoking vs Vaping" AsapScience
"Do Vape Pens Trick Teens?" Youth Radio
"Do Vape Pens Trick Smokers?" Youth Radio
"NIDA TV Spotlight on Electronic Cigarettes" National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA/NIH)
"Teens Using E-cigarettes More Likely to Start Smoking Tobacco" NIDA/NIH
"Tobacco Industry's Campaign to Hide the Hazards of Smoking" Stanford Medicine
"Educators worry students don't know vaping health risks" PBS News Hour
"JUULERS AGAINST JUUL" (Students Against Nicotine)
The JUUL Phenomenon by Robert Jackler (SRITA)
"Identify which products teens are vaping" (Tobacco Free CA)
"Electronic Cigarettes and Youth" Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
"Electronic Cigarettes: An Overview of Key Issues" Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
"E-Cigarettes and Teens: A Guide for Parents and Educators" Safe Kids America
"State Health Officer's Report on E-Cigarettes: A Community Health Threat" California Department of Public Health
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education
"What Are We Vaping? |" OCDE
Relevant Scientific Articles
"Adolescents' and Young Adults' Use and Perceptions of Pod-Based Electronic Cigarettes" JAMA Open Network
"Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction" American Journal of Preventive Medicine
"Association Between Initial Use of e-Cigarettes and Subsequent Cigarette Smoking Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" Journal of American Medical Association Pediatrics
"E-cigarettes and National Adolescent Cigarette Use: 2004 - 2014" Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
"Increased Cardiac Sympathetic Activity and Oxidative Stress in Habitual Electronic Cigarette Users: Implications for Cardiovascular Risk" Journal of American Medical Association
"Psychosocial Factors Associated With Adolescent Electronic Cigarette Use" Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
"Pulmonary toxicity of e-cigarettes" American Journal of Physiology
"Quantifying population-level health benefits and harms of e-cigarette use in the United States" PLOS-One
"Relationship between spending on electronic cigarettes, 30-day use, and disease symptoms among current adult cigarette smokers in the U.S." PLOS-One
"Risk factors for exclusive e-cigarette use and dual e-cigarette use and tobacco use in adolescents" Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
"Short Term respiratory effects of e-cigarettes in healthy individuals and smokers with asthma" Respirology
"The Juul Curriculum Is Not the Jewel of Tobacco Prevention Education" Journal of Adolescent Health
"Youth Say Flavored E-Cigarette Ads are for Them" Journal of Adolescent Health
Nicotine and Other Drug Addiction
"How Addiction Changes Your Brain" CNN
"Addiction 101 | Raj Mehta | TEDxUofM" TEDxTalks
"Understanding Addiction as a Disease" Wait21
"Reward Pathway in the Brain" KhanAcademyMedicine
"Tolerance and Withdrawal" KhanAcademyMedicine
"The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain" TED Global
"The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction: The Basics" (NIDA/NIH)
"The Science Behind Drug Abuse For Teachers" NIDA for Teens
"Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction" (NIDA/NIH)
"Stress and Drug Abuse: The Brain Connection"
"Teen Drug Use" Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
"Designed for Addiction: How the Tobacco Industry Has Made Cigarettes More Addictive, More Attractive to Kids and Even More Deadly" Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
"Signs of Cigarette and Tobacco Use and Addiction" NIDA
"The Science Behind Drug Addiction" Coalition Against Drug Abuse
"Nicotine Addiction: Past and Present:" How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General
"The Science of Addiction" Coalition Against Drug Abuse
Addiction is a Disease
"Adolescents Brains are Works in Progress" PBS
"New insights into the adolescent brain" Medical X-Press
"Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents" (NIDA/NIH)
"Using Drugs to Deal with Stress and Trauma" The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Resource 1Resource 2
"Nicotine and Addiction" Action on Smoking and Health
"Nicotine Addiction" World Health Organization
"Tobacco Company Quotes: Nicotine as a Drug" Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
"Evolution of the Tobacco Industry Positions on Addiction to Nicotine." World Health Organization
"50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2014. Chapter 5: Nicotine" U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
Academic Publications
"Biological basis of tobacco addiction: Implications for smoking-cessation treatment" Indian Journal of Psychiatry
"Nicotine-mediated cell proliferation and tumor progression in smoking-related cancers" American Association for Cancer Research
"Thirty-day smoking in adolescence is a strong predictor of smoking in young adulthood" Preventative Medicine
Lesson Plans
"Lesson Plans and Printables" Scholastic
Positive Youth Development
PYD Examples
Peer Leaders Uniting Students (PLUS)
Protecting Health and Slamming Tobacco (PHAST)
Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!
"Tobacco Litter in the Tenderloin" San Francisco Tobacco-Free Project
Youth on Board
The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action by Cathy Berger Kaye
Alameda County Office of Education
Be Smart, Don't Start: Alameda County Videos
Anti-Tobacco Cartoons Kern County
Tobacco Free Kids
Truth YouTube Channel
Center for Health and Safety Culture Toolkit
"Guide to Engaging Youth in Policy Change" Friday Night Live
"The Lee Law Toolkit" Friday Night Live
"Listening to Young People" Youth on Board
"Prevention Tactics" The EMT Group, INC.
"The Time is NOW for Service Learning: Engaging, Relevant, REAL" CBK Associates
"Tips from Young People" Youth on Board
"Tobacco Control Best-Practices Guide" CDC
"Tobacco Control Program" The California Department of Public Health
"Unpacking What Works" National Youth Leadership Council
"Youth Development Guide" The Community Network for Youth Development
"Youth Led Social Norms Campaigns Tookit" California Friday Night Live and the Youth Leadership Institute
Bad Advertising
The Boys and Girls Clubs of Fresno County Decoy Program
Build the Wheel
California Healthy Kids Survey Data
California's Tobacco Use Prevention Education Program
California Youth Advocacy Network
Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community
Kick Butts Day
Media Literacy Library
National Youth Leadership Council
Reality Check of New York
Rock Your World
San Francisco Tobacco-Free Project
Students Working Against Tobacco
Texas Say What!
Tobacco Free Kids
The Truth Campaign
University of Kansas Community Toolbox
Youth Activism in Tobacco Control
Youth Engagement Alliance
Youth on Board
YES! Youth Empowerment Solutions
School Policies
View Our School Policies Module
"Comprehensive Tobacco-Free School Policy Toolkit" California Department of Education
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
Tobacco Prevention Information for Parents and Families, from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Tobacco Control, Julius Richmond Center of Excellence
Tips for Parents, from the Office of Adolescent Health
Talking to Teens about Tobacco Use, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
E-Cigarettes and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: What Parents Need to Know (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Tips for Talking to Kids about Smoking (American Lung Association)
Talk, they hear you, from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Parents Against Vaping E-Cigarettes (PAVE)
Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana: A Parent's Guide to a New Epidemic (Nevada County TUPE)
"Identify which products teens are vaping" (Tobacco Free CA)
Tobacco Use Stats
General data on tobacco use, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Adult use of tobacco
Adolescent and adult use of tobacco
Youth Cessation Websites
Helping Young Smokers Quit: Identifying Best Practices for Tobacco Cessation
Resources for Qutting Smoking (Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids)
My Life My Quit: Free Help for Teens
This is Quitting (Truth Initiative)
Become an Ex
UCSF Cessation leadership center (has some great resources in addition to cessation) -
"How Can I Quit Smoking?" Teen Health
"Youth Tobacco Cessation: A Guide for Making Informed Decisions" Center for Disease Control:
"With the Jury Out on Vaping, Clinicians Pause to Identify the Cons of E-Cigarettes" - blog from Georgetown University's School of Nursing and Health Studies:
Youth Serving Non-Profits
Youth Leadership Institute
Friday Night Live
The California Youth Advocacy Network
California Department of Public Health
San Francisco Department of Public Health
FDA Center for Tobacco Products
Resources for Youth
Smoke Free Teens
"How Can I Quit Smoking?" Teen Health
"Youth Tobacco Cessation: A Guide for Making Informed Decisions" Center for Disease Control
Juuls in Schuuls (Website created by youth)
"JUULERS AGAINST JUUL" (Students Against Nicotine)
Brain Science
"The Teen Brain Still Under Construction" NIMH
"Inside the Teenage Brain" PBS
"Inside the Teenage Brain Program" PBS
Quick Links
Map of the Human Brain
"Know Your Brain" NIH
"Addiction and Brain Circuits"
In-Depth Resources
Neurosciences Online: An Electronic Textbook for the Neurosciences
"The Brain: Our Sense of Self" NIH
Major Structures and Functions of the Brain
"The Life and Death of a Neuron" NIH
Neuroanatomy and Physiology of the "Brain Reward System" in Substance Abuse
"The Pleasure Centers" The Brain from Top to Bottom. McGill University
"Brain Power: Grades 6-9" NIH
Neuroscience for Kids- Types of Neurons (Nerve Cells)
Molecular Cell Biology- Overview of Neuron Structure and Function
Khan Academy- Anatomy of a Neuron
"The Life and Death of a Neuron" NIH
Latest Research
"Youth and Tobacco Use" CDC
Above the Influence- Frequently Asked Questions
"Monitoring the Future: Teleconference 2015" NIDA/NIH:
Advertising and Marketing
Trinkets and Trash
Truth Initiative